After piecing together various stories throughout the semester, Emerge’s web magazine is up and ready to view! This fun and interactive magazine will include an array of exciting and interesting stories, including a quiz on what media specialization you belong in, or, a story focused solely on podcasting. And, many, many more! The print magazine will also be featured in an online flip book format very soon, so check back. The print magazine will also have some exclusive features in their hard copy as well.
After speaking to a member of the web magazine team, Vishnuga Rajalingam, she was excited to share that,
This follows the theme of a non-linear path, the name and theme of this year’s written content. This overall theme was also inspired by a previous Emerge journalism story titled “Forget It” in 2013. A blast from the past!
Did you know this is the tenth anniversary of the web magazine!? To mark the occasion, there is an article with a ten-year retrospective, counting down articles through those past years.
With a retro feel, this web magazine will give an insight into how far we have come, and the difference of media and life before the pandemic.
The web magazine team has been working for a long time coming, putting together stories, ensuring the perfect aesthetic to match the Emerge brand. After a successful day at the conference, we encourage all to check out the web magazine, a similar look into media and communications, but a further look into many differing stories.
To see all the stories, click here.
- Erica, logging off.