What was it again? Lights camera action? Matthew Scavello March 11, 2022

What was it again? Lights camera action?

Person throwing a DSLR camera straight up
Photo by Julius Drost on Unsplash

Good day everyone, you guessed it, it’s Matt here again, get ready to fix your aspect ratios, adjust your aperture and adjust your focus on to what I am going to talk to you about today.
As you could have guessed from that sentence, this blog is all about the photography, videography and virtual reality (VR). I am also going to talk a bit about the Meta-Pod session too.

Photo by Bermix Studio on Unsplash

Interested yet?

Well I know I am, and you will be too. After all, who hasn’t thought about getting behind the lens and learning how to make exciting content every now and then? 

I personally have gained an interest in photography since I took the first year course almost four years ago. It still blows my mind how quick those four years passed, but I digress. My point here is that if you feel like you are someone with a vested interest in these incredible art forms, then this is the workshop for you!

Say Cheese!

Photo by Ethan Hoover on Unsplash

In the first workshop, you will join Guelph-Humber’s very own Michael Samartzis in exploring the art of photo composition. Participants are going to learn how to manipulate light, modifiers and backgrounds to create very different styles of self portraits, and to practice the roles of art director, photographer and model.

Roll Film!

Photo by Denis Jans on Unsplash.

This workshop gives you the opportunity to work with Ari Sooriyamoorthy, media technology specialist at GH. Ari is going to give you the opportunity to learn various videography techniques and get a close up look at some of the equipment here at GH. I don’t know about you, but that sounds absolutely awesome. Participants will have the opportunity to flex their creative muscles as directors and actors as they work as a team to create a short, shareable video on the subject of their choosing.

Strap on those headsets, it’s time to get virtual!

Photo by Lucrezia Carnelos on Unsplash.

Explore new worlds in the Virtual Reality (VR) workshop. In this session, participants will be joining Marc Tavares, media technology specialist at GH, in learning about VR and Augmented Reality (AR) and their impact on storytelling. In addition, after the interactive session on the basics of VR and AR, participants will have the opportunity to experience and manipulate a VR environment.

Time to pod!

Photo by Leo Weiling on Unsplash

In the Meta-Pod session, you will meet our fourth year journalism students as they discuss the making of their podcast, Varsity Clues: Myths and Legends. The team will be using the new podcast studio to show you guys what goes in to crafting the perfect podcast. This session will also include guest speakers David Hebscher of the Clean Hamster Podcast and GH alumni and podcaster Michael Brown.

What is even more exciting is that you guys will get the chance to investigate what the Varsity Clues team has done with their show and developing a podcast run by students, for students.

More important than you thought.

Photo by Camilo Jimenez on Unsplash.

Like many of my peers, I believe these visual arts are such a crucial part to what we do in the media. Without them, we would not be able to see that appeal from some of the products we buy, or the action that goes behind the smallest of commercials.

Simply put, without the visual element, media is nothing but some words on paper.

That’s it for today, I know, this was a quick one, but these workshops are really something you all need to be shown instead of told about. After all, seeing is believing.

It’s time to “cut” and “check the gate” on this blog. Stay safe and stay curious everybody! I will see you on March 29, 2022. 

Matt logging off.